
The TODOS - Caminhada de Culturas Festival celebrates Lisbon as a multicultural city through contemporary performing arts since 2009. Promoted by the Academy of Cultural Producers and the Lisbon City Council, TODOS has contributed to the destruction of territorial ghettos associated with immigration, inviting the public to engage with cultures from around the world in the Portuguese capital.

TODOS is also an invitation to walk through neighborhoods in Lisbon that many Lisbon residents are unaware of, in all their different dimensions. Getting a haircut at a Chinese or African hair salon, dancing like in Bollywood or Moldova, wearing a sari, eating Halal meat, muamba, makoufe, listening to ancient Ukrainian chants. Throughout four days, TODOS offers contact with the cultures that inhabit a different area of the city each year through music, religions, food, commerce, and people. TODOS is a space for recognition and celebration of another Lisbon that we should definitely include in our urban identity. It is a program that unfolds in an informal game of encounters between residents and artists, revitalization of spaces, exchanges between cultures, and encounters between Portuguese and foreign traditions. It is a program made up of larger street events and smaller events that connect the public with the community and invited artists. Shops, restaurants, hair salons, places of worship, and associations also become protagonists in a luminous walk. A walk to the intersection of the people who inhabit the city and who are ultimately Lisboetas.
