Hub do Mar de Lisboa
The municipality is developing a Sea Hub, at Pedrouços Dock in Lisboa, with 11.254m2 based on the blue economy strategy for the city, creating a national ecosystem to support and boost an economy based on decarbonisation, sustainability and technology.
This Hub will gather in the same space: areas for maritime companies/entrepreneurship, startups, scaleups , offices, coworks, incubation and acceleration, also areas for innovation with a shared Ocean Lab and space for prototyping.
With these features, bringing together different components and ensuring easy access to the water, it will connect universities, local scientific community and researchers, contributing to share knowledge and resources and promote relevant collaborations. This project contributes to establish Lisboa as the "Atlantic Capital", enhancing a sustainable and circular blue economy, creating a world master hub of innovation, technology and business, leading the leadership in the sustainable exploitation of the ocean.
This Hub will allow different players: companies, entrepreneurs, associations, researchers and innovators to collaborate and cooperate in order to ensure the exchange of oceanic issues knowledge. The Lisboa Sea Hub aims to be an international reference, attracting and retaining the best companies and talents in the world.
The architectural project and the business model is now being developed and the funding is granted by the “PRR”, an instrument to mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis, helping to ensure long-term sustainable growth and meet the challenges of the dual climate and digital transition, launched by the European Council (Next Generation EU) . At this stage the Municipality Partners are: Lisbon Port Authority; University of Lisbon; Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere; Docapesca - Portos e Lotas, SA ; Fórum Oceano - Cluster of the Portuguese Sea