
Lisboa is embarking on an exciting journey to position itself as the Unicorn Capital, an international centre that attracts and nurtures innovative talent and fosters the development of groundbreaking projects. With a new brand, Lisboa Unicorn Capital sets the ambitious vision for our city and establishes it as a global hub for entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology. We aim to create an environment that not only supports highly innovative start-ups and SMEs but also drives their growth through concrete actions and initiatives.
Lisboa Unicorn Capital builds upon the foundation laid by Made of Lisboa during the initial years of fostering innovative entrepreneurship in the city. However, as the city grew from a startup to a scale up city, our new brand goes even further by integrating all the key players, programs, clusters, and innovation-focused entities associated with the municipality and the city's ecosystem. Our goal is to consolidate and unite these resources to solidify Lisboa's position as a capital of innovation.
Inspired by the warm hospitality of the Lisboetas, our city welcomes unicorns and pioneers from around the world. Lisboa offers them the ideal space to realize their visions and ambitions. While not all startups aspire to be unicorns, and not all players, companies, corporations, or SMEs identify with the term, Lisboa aspires to be a city where dreams come true, where opportunities abound, networks thrive, and what once seemed impossible becomes a reality. Our commitment to becoming a Unicorn Capital is backed by concrete results. Over the past four years, from 2018 to 2022, the Lisboa startup ecosystem has experienced remarkable growth, expanding more than eightfold. Our ecosystem has leaped from less than 30% the size of Barcelona's ecosystem to nearly 90%. These impressive numbers demonstrate the rapid development and immense potential that Lisboa possesses.

Lisboa Unicorn Capital is more than just a brand; it represents our unwavering commitment to nurturing innovation and becoming a beacon of entrepreneurial success.

By positioning Lisboa as the Unicorn Capital, we aim to attract global attention, investment, and top-tier talent. We invite all ambitious innovators and dreamers to join us in Lisboa, where possibilities know no bounds and where together, we will redefine the entrepreneurial landscape and pave the way for transformative innovation.

Lisboa Unicorn Capital