
The Lisbon Urban Data Laboratory (LxDataLab) arose from the need to extract value from the information available in the Municipality of Lisbon.
LxDataLab is a co-operation project between Lisbon City Council and various university and research institutions, whose mission is to create solutions capable of improving planning, operational management and emergency response in the city of Lisbon.
Within the scope of LxDataLab, the Municipality of Lisbon defines challenges it would like to see studied and makes data available for this purpose. In turn, the partners, university and research institutions, through their researchers and interested professors, provide the human resources and specialised technicians to respond to the proposed challenges.

Using advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and supercomputing tools, complex combinations of large data sets are studied in areas of public interest, with the aim of solving real problems in the city and improving the services provided, as well as enabling sustainable improvements in the resilience and quality of life of those who live, work or visit the city. The Lisbon Urban Data Lab has 11 partners to date.

Twenty-four challenges have already been published and 78 people have signed up to work in areas ranging from mobility to the economy, from citizen issues, the environment and energy to governance. Anyone belonging to one of the partner institutions can sign up to take part in one of the challenges.

LX Data Lab