

The Lisbon Region has a highly qualified and diversified network of university and polytechnic higher education institutions, and numerous research centres. There are also three Science and Technology Parks, which makes this region the largest university and research hub in Portugal.

The central objective of the Study & Research in Lisbon project is to make the city's knowledge ecosystem known and to attract and retain talent and researchers to the city, positioning Lisbon internationally as a global hub for knowledge and innovation.

It also aims to bring academia and research closer to the citizens.

In the scope of this project, besides the development of the STUDY & RESEARCH IN LISBON platform, we have a space open to the public - the Study in Lisbon Lounge - which helps the integration of students and researchers in the city. Throughout the year, there's also a busy agenda of initiatives that bring students and researchers together through the city, its culture, its gastronomy and spaces for innovation and entrepreneurship.
The partners that work with the city in close collaboration are the Universities of Lisboa, Erasmus Life Lisboa, Erasmus Student Network, Fulbright and the Luso American Foundation.
There are numerous options for bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees or PhDs, which include areas of knowledge so different, such as exact sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, engineering and technologies, social sciences, arts and human sciences.

Portuguese is the sixth most widely spoken language worldwide. There are Portuguese lessons for foreign students, as well as English lessons in multiple higher education institutions. Economic and Business Sciences are the areas where there are more courses are taught in English.

Lisbon is still a city in the EU with an affordable cost of living. It is the economic centre of a large region and has qualified human resources, a cosmopolitan atmosphere and a top quality of life. The cost of basic goods, such as food, transportation or health, or access to culture, such as cinema, theatre and concerts, is quite reasonable, which makes the stay in this city very appealing.

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