
Invisible works that prepare and protects the city against flooding and closes the water cycle by distributing recycled water for irrigation, cleaning streets and other uses

The Lisbon Drainage Master Plan (LDMP) is already ongoing (works started in September 2022, and will end in 2025), with the construction of two main tunnels (5,5m internal diameter; 5km + 1 km long) and other infrastructures (retention/infiltration basins and three shafts with vortex that will link superficial pipes to main tunnel, two crosses of the river wall to deliver the stormwater into the Tagus river) in order to reduce the frequency and magnitude of floods in the city and minimize potential damages.
Lisbon has been suffering from intense and more frequent flood events in the past years. These events not only negatively affect the tourism industry, but more importantly, cause long lasting detrimental effects to the city population, as well as to its property and heritage. The project is intended to minimize the recurring and increasing problem of flooding while increasing infrastructure resilience in specific vulnerable areas of the City of Lisbon, including parts of the historical city centre.
The project is part of the Lisbon's Drainage Master Plan 2016-2030, which includes the main vision of holistic managing those essential underground infrastructures and concludes with some recommendations regarding several structural interventions in the city.
It will deliver substantial environmental quality improvements, notably in the form of increased resilience against damages from high intensity floods. It is the largest investment ever made by the Lisbon City Council, 150M€ for tunnels and globally 250M€ for the whole LDMP 2016-2030 project.


The Lisbon Drainage Master Plan